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"Edge" the new gym out Plymouth Meeting.    

Updated: Aug 16, 2019

Heyhey guys and what's up TFS

..........Let's talk..........

Welp guys I called myself checking out a new gym, trying to make up for the fact that I let my damn La fitness membership cancel. 🤦🏽‍♀️😂Just know I'm paying for it the hard way.

So lately I have been getting emails and seeing Facebook and Instagram alerts talking about how Plymouth meeting is coming out with a new gym called, "THE EDGE".

Now TFS you guys know me, you know that I'm trying to get this body in shape baby!

Healthy life is fit life!

So what does that mean??

I have to go check this damn gym out of course.🧘‍♀️

😌I mean it's only 5 minutes away from my house, it's like God wanted me to be a member of a gym lol!

Not to mention Cross Fit is def my current move.... None the less, Diamond and I, (the girlfriend, for all my new readers 😂)

we decided to go check this place out and see just exactly what was required to join this so called mystery gym, also their promotion flyer was mentioning something about, giving away 2 FREE Phillies tickets,

So I'm thinking like, BOOMM! that's like two for one. Right?

So me and the lady are heading to the gym before I have to go to work and of course the damn GPS takes us somewhere else

🤦🏽‍♀️Plymouth meeting mall to be exact.

The damn flyer states that, their between the whole foods and near starbucks, mind you we're exactly in front of the address they have listed on the flyer. The address, is actually the mall's address.🤷🏽‍♀️😑go figure.

So their doing construction on the site where this little Dora the explorer map has taken us on to,

and we're now like, "this cant be the gym!

We notice that there is no Starbucks, so we just gps the Starbucks instead &

Boop 🙃 found the Starbucks and guess who is right next door? The gym!

So are you noticing the sign on the door? "PREVIEW CENTER".🤔 I could have died!

By now im ready to take my a** back in the house but figured we went through hell to find it, so let's just check it out.

We go inside and it's def not what we were expecting. 🤨🤦🏽‍♀️ it's literally an office space with desks and flyers with photos of the gym hanging from the walls.

I'm super frustrated, but not at the fact that there is no gym, but more so upset because, I called prior to my arrival and asked, would I actually be able to walk through and visit the gym before I sign up and the gentleman over the phone, (who now stood in front of me) confirmed I would be able too🤦🏾‍♀️

Mind you we're doing all of this before I'm heading into work smh.

Job well done Preview Center!

Needless to say, I took my ass to work and

the moral of the story is, reading is fundamental!

Thanks for reading TFS!

Later for now and remember:

Learn to love yourself, before trying to love someone else.

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